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Steven la Plante


5 November - 4 December 2012

About the exhibition

Monuments - an exhibition of black & white photographs by Steven la Plante

"The photographs in this exhibition represent a small selection of a project I have been working on for about 10 years. These monuments are everywhere in New Zealand; a part of the landscape of every town and city and a rallying point for the communities on ANZAC Day. They are a physical reminder of the lives lost; a 'cenotaph' as literally an empty tomb.

I have attempted to show them as art, as architecture and as icons of nationhood. They are separated and displayed as North Island/ South Island. The photographs were shot on film, processed and printed by myself." Steve La Plante

Steven la Plante is a professional photographer based in Marlborough. Photographer's Tour 11am Sunday 6 November.

5 November - 4 December 2012


Marlborough Art Gallery

(formerly Millennium Public Art Gallery)

15 High Street

PO Box 692

Blenheim 7240

Delivery Address 

(by arrangement)
15 Wynen Street,



Tues - Fri 10am - 4pm

Weekends  1pm - 4pm

Public Holidays - Closed

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All rights reserved.

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